About us

Provide a protective environment for children and adolescents in Haiti, whose situation is extremely fragile, offering care and attention to children and adolescents as part of a family with which they can grow with love, respect, and security; supporting them in the formation of a future with hope. Foster in them a new culture that is a model for a nation hit by the lack of initiative and development. Provide all the needs of care, education, health, and protection of those most in need.

Our purpose is to give children in situations of helplessness, abandonment and orphans, the possibility of growing up in a positive environment with spiritual, moral and social values, giving them the necessary tools to become agents of change for their nation.

After the devastating earthquake of 7.3 on the Richter scale on January 12, 2010, the eyes of the world settled on Haiti, becoming more notable its state of poverty and need that did not allow it to face nature, and which left a trail of deaths, children in the streets, destruction and hopelessness in Haitians. All of the above is just an overview of the reality that Haiti has experienced since before the earthquake, which was exacerbated by the same event, and which led us to respond to the more human call that men and women around the world have " help and love our neighbor”, especially the most vulnerable and forgotten.

Misión Vida Uruguay

The Mission Life for the Nations church, founded in 1991 in Uruguay, aims to impact society. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus is the good news of God for salvation and that is the message that we carry, proclaiming it at every opportunity, as well as extending protection to the needy.

Misión Vida para las naciones